Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

So ladies do you like guys with body hair? If so how much body hair? Girls at my high school said that guys with no body hair at all look kinda "gay". I also hear girls saying that "real men have hair", I know many girls don't like too much hair.

Also ladies do you like guys who can grow some facial hair? I hear that girls like guys who look manly and mature.

And do you find guys with no hair at all gross? How would you feel if you dated a guy who has less body hair than you?

I personally think guys who shave off all of their body hairs weekly are gross, unless its too long. I mean a smooth guy, bleh, if I was a girl.

Thanks for reading.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

tricky question, like hair on men, but some guys not all that shave their heads are sexy, others should not shave their heads, love all other type of hair on a man, as long as it's clean........

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

i think its gross

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

I didnt used to like hair but not i love it!

I hate facial hair, it never looks good on anyone.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

i like a little body hair all that hairy **** is scary

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

i hate back hair!!!!!! and facial hair is not fun to kiss so yeah

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

i don't like it.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

I think as long as his hygiene is good, there really shouldn't be a problem. Although, I am partial to baldies :D...but I do like chest hair.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

i dont like a lot of body hair but a little i can deal with

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

You know I have never bothered me for a guy to have body hair.

Of course if you have a forest of hair all over you a girl is going to be turned off.

I for one don't mind if a guy is completely smooth either.

You can rub on my soft silky legs but I can't yours?

It boils down to if you are comfortable with your body hair, then I will be fine with it too.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

My ladies like hair, so I let it grow. I am always in favor of nature and against society. They just try to make you spend money on crap.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

facial hair/back hair/butt hair-no

head hair/arm hair/leg hair/ armpit hair-yes

the rest id prefer none, but i wouldnt care if you had some hair there

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

i dont mind body hair unless it is extreme. i also think that the facial hair thing depends on how old u r and ur style. but i dont really like it that much.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

Hmm, well, if they have absolutely NO hair at all, that is kinda gross. But I do like my guy to shave every now and again.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

I hair is gross. I don't want a man that shaves more of his body than i do. I like my men to trim their hair though...armpit hair that is so long that it pokes out of short-sleeve shirts makes me wanna puke. Same with nipple hair. And of course the nether regions...keep it clean.

Anyway, arm hair and leg hair is a must. Guys that shave those are either swimmers, or gay.

Facial hair is hot if you can grow it. But if it's fine and HUGE turn-off.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

Ok I think that a little chest hair and stuff like that is ok not to much. but I also think well shaved men look realy good but a little gotei realy turns me on.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

It ALL depends on the guy.

When I was younger I thought body hair was gross, now it's not so bad. Except when it's EVERYWHERE.

The facial hair thing doesn't really matter. Some guys look really hot when they're scruffy. But guys that just don't really grow it can be hot too.

Like I said before, it all depends on the guy.

I'm not at all impressed by completely shaved men, unless it's for their sport, like a swimmer or something.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

I am a "smooth girl" as you might say. Too hairy is extremely unnatractive, and not hairy enough would make me curious of their sexuality.

Facial hair- feels nasty against the skin. A nice stubble is enough (only beard stubble, no mustach) and keep inbetween your eyebrows clean (otherwise you look like you have a unibrow)

Body Hair- Back hair, and chest hair should be removed. Men look "sexier" persay without hair in those areas. Leg hair, arm hair, and head hair are all fine- if your leg and arm hair is extremely dark you may want to consider bleaching it though. Armpit hair should be trimmed (I find it extremely unnatractive, but do not clean shave there)

Hair "down there"- I reccomend keeping it the way you like it. If your girlfriend has a preference you might want to take that into consideration though.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much? me hair IS manly

But not toooooooo much - like gorilla man!!!

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

Body hair can be hot. I mean, not so thick and dark you could mistake the guy for a bear, but I like it. I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of. Some guys just look better with facial hair. For as long as I've known my boyfriend (6 years, 5 of them together) I've never seen him with at least a goatee, if not a fuller beard on his chin, so I asked him about it and he said he had too weak a chin not to have one and he shaved it to show me. He was right. We laughed about it and now I'll never wonder why he keeps one again. Overall I think body and facial hair is sexy, as long as it's kept neat and trimmed.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

We-e-e-el doggie! I likes my man t'have 'is chest nice n' smooth like a fresh coat a paint on the barn door. Oh , 'casionaly a hair bristle or two might break free off the paintin' brush now 'n then , but dat's t'be s'pected. Know what I mean? Then jest a fine and nice hair line from 'bout the belly-but'n area on down yonder . MMM- mmm!

Then sometimes ya just has t' turn 'im 'round , see'n if his back needs shavin'!

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

I don't like hair on a men. just like men don't like hair on women.

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

facial hair is hott

not to much thou

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

no hair on face,butt,chest or another area if you get my point

legs are fine

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

As long as the hygiene is clean and neat it's fine. I don't like guys having some facial hair it looks gross. To look manly and mature guys should have fine and fix hair. To date a guy who has less body hair than me is fine if is natural but if he shave it...ewew!!! I agree that guys who shave off all their body hairs weekly are gross for only girls should be conscious in having smooth skin;-%26gt;

Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?

no hair

Bumps with ingrown hair on face. Help me girls.?

Ok I have facial hair that I have waxed. I have polycistic ovary syndrome which causes this hair growth, and just recently I decided to wax it. Well that worked great, though it was painful, but it removed all the hair and the redness went away within a few hours..

but now the hair is returning which I knew would happen, but there are alot of bumps with ingrown hairs and its painful to touch.

What should I do? Will anything make the bumps go away?

Bumps with ingrown hair on face. Help me girls.?

Steam your face for a few minutes, or put a warm cloth to open up the pores. Do this a few times a day (4 or 5) but no more than that.

Whatever you do, do not pop, or pick at them. They need to open up more naturally (hence the steam or warm washcloth).

Bumps with ingrown hair on face. Help me girls.?

Your hair follicles are infected. Let the infection settle before waxing again Cleanse tone and moisturise twice a day. You may need to try electrolysis or vaniqua cream. Your doc will have to supply that.

Bumps with ingrown hair on face. Help me girls.?

Shave from now on.

Why does Facial Bleach fade away???

I'm curious why when someone bleaches their facial hair it fades to the original color of the hair 2 - 3 weeks later...but why is it when we bleach the hair on our head it doesn't fade out like's why isn't the stuff we put on our faces?? Is it a diff level of peroxide???

Why does Facial Bleach fade away???

The hair on your face grows back more quickly than on your head

Plus, the formula's different because this is for home use and not professional.

Hair fashion?

Future of hair fashion in men and women:

Facial hair to become popular with men again?

Pubic hair to become popular with women again like in the 70s and 80s?

What do you guys think? The obsession with shaving is ending?

Hair fashion?

I think for men, for very special occasions (Oscars, wedding), shaved will always look more polished, but I do think that the scruffy look is coming back (as a backlash against the metrosexual phase). I certainly hope that women become a little less shallow about their public hair and try to look a little more natural. I think trimming is necessary, but going bare is just kind of slutty.

Hair fashion?

no i dont think so eww i could never be all hairy lol

Hair fashion?

hell no. i will shave for life.............

Hair fashion?

I wouldn't stop shaving, even for the sake of Fashion.

Hair fashion?

Ummmm no i only like haveing hair on my head my eyebrows and eyelashes and the normal hair on my arms.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

Usually when you wax hair or facial hair. It's the same or it can get thinner. But waxing peach fuzz? That's a whole different story because peach fuzz is soo short, light and it's not even as thick as a thin facial hair! The what?

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

No. When you was off hair it takes the root with it. not only does it take longer to grow back but it doesn't grow back thicker or darker due to that.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

probly not. idk.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

no. its physically imposible. but it grow back at an angle and look a little darker

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

not unless your hair is getting thicker and darker anyway...such as going through puberty. But waxing or shaving in itself does not make hair darker.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

Ok i know a couple of people who did this...and the hair does grow back darker..or at least it "seems" to look darker and thicker.

if you have dark color facial hair then i would tell you to just use Jolen skin bleach creme for the peach fuzz ( which is around the cheek area or chin area) rather then to wax it off. Trust me i know some really pretty girls who made the mistake of waxing or threading it off and it just looked worse.

of course if its upper lips then you should def wax it off or something. But when you looked at peach fuzz in areas other areas of the face then you shouldnt take it off and instead use bleach creme.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

For the people saying oh nothing is going to happen,well your wrong!

I agree with Browneyes! Once you remove hair like peach tends to grow out Looking thicker and darker.

Streaking hair with...?

ok i want to streak my hair so i asked my salon what dye they use to streak my hair. they told me the brand name for the dye which was jolen creme bleach(which works awesome he has been using it on me for years and i have black hair! but unfortunetly he is going on a vacation for 2 months :( ), i found out that jolen creme bleach is made for facial hair but it makes sence that it would work for streaks because streaking is not like dying your whole head, just streaks. do u guys think jolen creme bleach would work for streaks?

Streaking hair with...?


because its for hair

and facial hair

and head hair


made for hair

use it for hair

Laser Hair Removal For Men? How much does it cost?

Hi everyone, I see an aestician (a facial person) once a month, she basically cleans my face, clears out my pores, squeezes out all the nasty white heads, and pulls out all my ingorwn hairs.

Well one day I told her about how much I disliked having facial hair (Im 21 now). Facial hair is basically a pain in the ***, for me, it causes zits, in grown hairs, rough feeling skin, and gross stubles when they are growing back. She recommended for me to get laser hair removal which would virtually take care of all those issues.

My question is: Have any of your guys recieved Laser hair removal therapy?

If so, How much did it cost? How many sessions did you have to get? 1-10 scale (10 being most painful) how much did it hurt? and Finally: Are you happy with your results?


Laser Hair Removal For Men? How much does it cost?

I went in for laser hair removal.

Something went wrong with the machine, and the laser went ... uhh ... yeah ... good luck!

Hair or no hair?

I used to always shave my head, and have been growing it out for a few months, but am starting to find taking care of it to be a hassle (drying time, combing, gel, etc.). However, I have gotten some (though not all) positive comments about it. So, now I come seeking more opinions; which looks better;

Hair ->


no hair->

Also, what about the facial hair? Which combo of hair and facial hair do you think would look best?

Hair or no hair?

i like no hair

facial hair is okay on someone else, but i hate it on my man cuz it's scratchy.

Hair or no hair?

i think that no hair with a little facial hair would be good. not too much facial hair though, that makes you look bad.

Hair or no hair?

i usually prefer guys with hair, but you look better with no hair.

Hair or no hair?

HULIO GO BACK TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair or no hair?

its depend on ur look

Hair or no hair?

How about hair on your head and no facial hair.

Hair or no hair?

My Dad was bald, didn't have to shave it. He said God made some heads perfect, the rest he covered with hair.

I know I can't get away with shaving my head but I do believe you can. Facial hair, toss a coin, if either side wins, I think it would be with the hair. That may come from jealousy though, I grow a VERY sad beard.

Hair or no hair?

WOAH!! no hair or facial hair. you look like two different people in the pictures. you look older in the hair picture, and younger and cleaner in the no hair picture.

Hair or no hair?

I think you would look great with spikes on your head and no facial hair.

Hair or no hair?

You definitely look better with no hair or facial hair. No facial hair makes you look younger and cleaner, it makes your skin look really soft. Hope this helps and good luck deciding =)

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

anyone every heard of anything like this? and so far everywhere ive checked essiac tea should not do this so what could this mean

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

if you are on the level, then I suggest that you stop using the tea and go back to normal tea. This tea seems to be loaded with hormones that you don't need. You obviously have an alergy to it.

good luck

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

it means you should probably stop using essiac tea.

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

Just don't use the tea and you'll be ok... it could be a reaction to something in the tea! Good luck!

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

One is presuming that you are female if you are concerned about facial hair. Sounds like a hormone imbalance but it could also be that you have a thyroid problem. Dry brittle hair is often indicative of an underactive thyroid or Hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine which is a synthetic Thyroxine does not contain all the types of thyroxine produced naturally and sufferers often have to supplement their diets to boost the natural production of the hormone. Evening primrose oil can help. Been there got the T shirt thyroid went bye byes years ago.

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a

I have some very shocking news for you.

You are actually going to start shrinking.

I'm sorry for your loss.


I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

six foot seven.

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

about 6 foot one inch

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

How the ***** should we know?

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

lmao, i have a piece of string how long is it? Please think before asking a question

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

tall as the tallest monkey

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

uh what has your height got to do wid armpit hair??

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

That's an impossible question to answer.

If you had a bone scan showing your current degree of bone density, a physician could give you a reasonable estimate, but there's no way of knowing precisely.

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

That's basically impossible to tell.

My friend just turned 15 [but when i first met him, he was 13] and he looked/still looks like he's 25. He has facial hair and tons of underarm hair. We call him MANCHILD. hahah.

His younger brother is the same. He's 12 but he looks like he's 18. He's the same way.

Sorry, though. I wish I had a pin point answer!

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

Like 6ft0-6ft3

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

I have tried few facial hair dyes but all of them have given me rash and allergic reactions. Can someone help me with a hair dye so I can enjoy my original facial hair color without the allergic reaction? Thanking you in anticipation.

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

If you're skin is overly sensitive there's not much that you can do. I would suggest, even though it costs, to have it done professionally and explain the problem with the cosmetologist.

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

Well you need to find what it is you're allergic to. Otherwise you'll never know if you can or can't get a dye with those ingredients.

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

your best bet is to go to a salon and get it done if your breaking out.

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

well it really depends. different people get different allergies, but try EasyLong. I think its a generic store brand from CVS but it works well as far as i know

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

try the most sensible one that goes with your skin colour well for me i have beautiful brown skin so thats what i pick you know where dots is try the beauty shop down that area where they sell the jelwry

Does anyone know a hair dye which doesnot give allergic reaction?

what you need to do is call one of the Clairol or other hot lines they will guide you to their products with the least amount of chemicals that may help you to prevent the reactions the numbers are always on the side of the box and are always toll free

How to do facial bleaching at home?

to change the colour of facial hair for sensitive skin

How to do facial bleaching at home?

Hi I use Fem facial bleach but there are others like Jolen available at any grocer/chemist shop. all are fairly simple to use. Easy step by step instructions are given in the pack as are recommended time and frequency.

Would highly advise you to do a small test application on your inside elbow before you use it on your faceto check for any allergic reactions:-)

How to do facial bleaching at home?

c'mon u girls grow up

How to do facial bleaching at home?

Ladies, do you have upper lip hair, hair on your chin or cheeks, maybe even sideburns?

Tired of waxing, bleaching, tweezing or painful plucking?

Looking for an easier and faster way to safer hair removal?

Wish that you could have a smooth, silky face in a few minutes without stepping out of the comfort of your home?


EpicareTM facial hair remover offers the easiest and fastest way to remove unwanted facial hair without waxing, bleaching, tweezing or shaving. Originally designed based on the ancient art of threading hair removal used by Asians for centuries, Epicare's unique spring action does not use any thread, but yet removes unwanted hair from the roots safely and effectively without damaging the skin.

Click below to watch our 3-minute video clip on how Epicare is used. See for yourself how simple and effective facial hair removal using Epicare can be.


How to do facial bleaching at home?

go to the chemist and buy some jolene cream bleach. ive used it for years its about 5 pounds to buy and can last for at least a year depending on the amount of hair you wish to bleach. bleach the hair for ten minutes . If you get white spots when you have taken the bleach off. Please just leave them they will disappear within then minutes.

How to do facial bleaching at home?

concern to any expert but still i am suggesting you fruit bleach is better and message it in your face and message take one and one hours and clean all dust with cotton and clean skin with cotton and take some steam.

How to do facial bleaching at home?

now a days many creams are available in market a set of 4 to 5 creams. which gives facial effect for ex garnier company has launced it

How to do facial bleaching at home?

i think you have to use Olivia bleach or any other herbal bleach.

So many hair removal products, but which one is better?

I hate shaving. It's annoying and I'm lazy. My hair grows back fast, so I have to shave everyday - but then my skin is sensitive, so it gets very irritated. So, I was looking into waxing with home kits. But, there are so many products I don't know what would be better. I don't know anybody who waxes, so I can't get opinions. Plus, I have like a zero tolerance for pain. I've tried lotions and not only am I allergic to them, but my hair still comes back within a few days. I'm not looking for any facial hair remover, seeing on how I don't have any facial hair. I'm just looking for legs, bikini, and possibly my under arms. I'm kind of interested in the Sally Hansen products (especially this one: ), but still am not sure which ones would be best.

Looking for opinions, ideas, anything! Thanks.

So many hair removal products, but which one is better?

I used that Sally hansen product it works good but if you leave it on for a long time then it stings

So many hair removal products, but which one is better?


So many hair removal products, but which one is better?

I use Sally Hansen. I don't know of any others. It's well-known for a REASON, I suppose! :)

So many hair removal products, but which one is better?

i like veet

Clogged hair facials?

i have clogged hair facials on my balls how do i get rid of them

Clogged hair facials?

you really don't want to know now do you??

Clogged hair facials?

Do you mean follicles? If you shave your "balls" i suggest you stop for a little bit. Try and wipe them down with alcohol. As long as you don't have any open areas it won't hurt, and it will dry up the sweat and grease that clogs up the follicle.

I have a brown asian skin, I plan to have a facial hair removal by laser, which type of laser is bes

FYI, I have some grey hairs around my beard.

I have a brown asian skin, I plan to have a facial hair removal by laser, which type of laser is best suited ?

darker skin is prone 2 scaring during lazer treatment so go to a reputable clinic, they will advise you of the treatment you require and as far as i know there is only 1 kind of lazer for hair removal treatment

I have a brown asian skin, I plan to have a facial hair removal by laser, which type of laser is best suited ?

YAG.....really good

How can I purchase Meledine/Meladine for facial hair removal online?

Id go with laser hair removal instead, its pretty cheap nowdays, check out this article

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

waxing? It might hurt a lil bit for starters but the more you do it the less the pain gets.

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

thats a tough one. try bleaching it if it bothers you. good luck =)

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

Wax it sweetie. it'll probably hurt like hell but i'm thinking its like a bikini line and won't really hurt after a while

good luck=]

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

You could try plucking it! Or bleaching. Or shaving. Or waxing.

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

If you think you need to remove your facial hair use a twezer or scissors! Or you can can decide with your own opition as long as it is safe!

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

Waxing. I had a terrible problem with facial hair and if it weren't for laser working for me, I would wax. Electrolysis is a rip off....

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

use Nair ,you apply it,wait ,then rub it off.its that easy.

What is the best way to get rid of sightly facial hair since laser doesn't work on light hair?

elactric razorr

Hair Hair Hair, why we need hair?

Why do men need beard, mustache, other facial hair?

Why do we need hair under our arms?

Why do we need pubic hair?

Why God put that there?

Hair Hair Hair, why we need hair?

Well when we were primative and didnt' have clothes it helped us keep warm. At least we aren't as hairy as we were back then....

Hair Hair Hair, why we need hair?

Well... eyebrows are to keep sweat from dripping in your eyes... facial hair... warmth probably? Under arm hair has something to do with sweaty armpits and them not stinking so bad... which makes no sense because men still stink if they dont have deoderant... :) Pubic hair I have read is supposed to aid in friction and keep you from getting strawberries on your skin...

Who knows... but God always knows best, and I am sure He has a very well thought out reason for each and every hair on our bodies!

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have som

I'm 16, but people say i dont look it, does this mean i have a little more growth in the future, if so , how much?

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

A man can finish puberty any where from 18-21, it sounds to me that you still have a couple years of growth a head of you.

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

it will come around....its a pain in the as$ now being young you wanna look older...but later in life your gonna be old and wanna look younger...and shaving is a hassle

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

you may be a bit behind in the growth rate . you may have less testosterone. this is what causes facial hair and you is in part the cause of balding in men .

at any rate don't worry about it . some men many really can never grow a beard life goes on.

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

Lots of guys dont hit puberty til they are 18 dont sweat it...i think it is ironic that your dp is a guy with a soul patch

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

just start shaving, even if you dont have any facial hair

you might have facial hair growing now but maybe its to thin to see, if you shave itll start growing faster and thicker

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

no maybe you are just one of those people who can not grow facial hair

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

Males at 16 are generally not finished growing. Difficult to say how much. If you are really worried, see your doctor. He can order an x-ray and see how much space there is in your growth plate and can estimate how much you might grow

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

Yes you're no where near done til your early 20s.

At age 16, i have hardly any facial hair and do not shave regularly, does this mean i still have some growth?

You keep growing until your into your 20's

Facial hare?

Ladies, what is more attractive to you of the following, for a skinny guy?

1. Clean-shaven

2. Beard and bit of a moustache

3. Facial hair around the mouth and chin, but without length

Facial hare?


Facial hare?


Facial hare?

1 or a 2 if u have to i like it wen they got a lil gotee its cute

Facial hare?

IT depends on your age. You mean HAIR, and not a fuzzy rabbit right?!

Use them all as seasonal accessories.

My husband does. I love it! Why pick one!

Mustasche the summer, Fall Goateee' and Winter Beard, then Spring its back to Goate' and next month is Mustache again. He promised me that next month, he might go "naked" since he has been clean shaved in over twenty years! Lets see....the cameras are ready.

Facial hare?


Facial hare?

Beard and bit of a mustache.

Why do girls from west virginia have facial hair?

Probably because they inbreed

Why do girls from west virginia have facial hair?

Wow, that's really accurate? Hmmm....I couldn't tell.

Why do girls from west virginia have facial hair?

Some w(ai)(e)st Vigin(ia)girls have hair on their face .But that is only scalp hair making kiss curls over face.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

no don't shave it. the same way it grows out on your legs, will grow out in your face. not pretty.

try laser hair removal, electrolysis which kind of hurts, wax, tweeze, trim, and you could use this new cream called vaniqua. it takes forever and it doesn't stop the hair, it sort of slows down the hair growth process. so you still have to use other methods to get rid of it. that would be a good in between waxing to use or something.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

Stop doing steriods

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

They make wax kits for the face. You could also try the laser hair removal.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

shave it off

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?


How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

Wax, laser, nair, plucking, and I have heard many women do shave thier face.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

Donate it to Patrick L!

How can i get rid of facial?

please help me i m very worried. i have freckles., under eye dark circles, and lots of facial hair all over on my face. i look so ugly what should i do. i feel very embarassed when people look at me. i m a mother of two. one is 4 and other is just 6 months. everything is going good. i have a loving husband. he is very handsome. i see a dermatologist and she said that they have noo medicine to cure dark circles, freckles or facial hair. i m dying please help me . i am afraid to look myself in the

How can i get rid of facial?

what you can do to build your self esteem is keep in mind that there is no such thing as an ugly woman or person period. The only thing is a person who doesn't take care of themselves or use proper clothing, makeup, hairdue, etc.

If you feel ugly, that's exactly what you are going to show others cause insecurity is something you can really show off, and people can tell from a mile away.

How can i get rid of facial?

There is nothing you can do about it . I don't have frekles or facial hair i am not pretty either . Don't worry about it, you can not change that , just try to be as beautiful as you can and nobody will think about it .

How can i get rid of facial?

it might be worth looking into photofacials or laser surgery. i am not sure how much either cost, and they might not be able to help you, but i have heard that they can help fade freckles if they are in the top dermal layers. however, if your pigment comes from something like a hormonal reaction to the pill, they might not be able to assist you.

the other thing you could look at is whether you could start a chemical peel program, as i think they are designed to hlpt hese things as well.

having said all that, dermatologists are the ones who know skin the best, so if she says there is nothing to help, well, she is the expert. maybe talk to another dermatologist?!?

How can i get rid of facial?

Freckels are cute, but if they bother you try a banishing cream, Avon has one and you can buy them any where. Under eye circles a lot of times can be due to allergies, try a cream for dark circles these are also offered almost any where. Waxing will get rid of the facial hair, have this done at a salon. Visit a reputable salon and see what they suggest, for instance a good hair cut that suits your face, have the waxing done. Also ask about a good concealer to cover freckles and dark circles until the creams you buy help. Get a good coverage foundation. Go to a department store that offers clinique or estee lauder makeup and they will help you choose the right color and help you with concealing things that need to be concealed. Try cucumber slices on your eyes this sometimes helps. There are a lot of products for dark circles. You must look half way decent if you handsome husband married you. A visit to a good salon will do wonders. There is nothing like a good hair cut. Also buy some new clothes. After having a baby an outing to do just for you is just what the doctor ordered. Trust me some good makeup, good haircut and clothes that are the right color and fit right is going to make you feel like a new person. Good luck. Having a baby takes a lot out of a person and you know you could have a little of postpartum depression. Have you always felt unattractive or just since the birth of your six month old? Something that you might want to check on. Hope this helps.....

How can i get rid of facial?

I can help but I need to know more about your skin type if you e-mail me I can help, trust me, it閳ユ獨 just all about making sure I have the right combination of right products for your skin type. For the under eye circles, make sure you drink lots of water, and get sleep I know with a 4 year old and 6 month old that閳ユ獨 next to impossible but try, to help conceal them use:

MK Signature閳?Facial Highlighting Pen

The special light-reflecting pigments in the new MK Signature閳?Facial Highlighting Pen optically 閳ユ笓ift閳?the shadowy areas of your face. Instantly your skin looks brighter, your tone more even and your face more radiant. This easy-to-use, super-sheer formula can be reapplied throughout the day to keep you looking refreshed and natural. And it閳ユ獨 available in four shades, for all skin tones.

For the facial hair, try waxing it will hurt the first few time but after that its nothing, I like going to a salon for the eyebrows but I use Nads for the upper lip area.

Please e-mail me I would really like to talk about the freckles, and your skin type and what I can do to help, I閳ユ獡 a Beauty Consultant so I really do know what I閳ユ獡 talking about, I can help make your skin glow, and look flawless. When your skin looks good you will feel good about yourself.

How can i get rid of facial?

I am not sure you cn do much with the dark circles or freckles, but let me offer up the following advise for the facial hair.

I have the same problem that is hereditary in my family. I have extremely dark hair, not like the nice lovely peach fuzz most ladies have. My brother and I almost had the same type of hair. I started having my face waxed when I was in high school. about once every 3 - 4 weeks. Cost was around 25 - 30 dollars per waxing session.

I have since had laser hair removal treatments. I have had my face done with the laser about 6 - 7 times and parts of my abdomen over the course of the last 5 years. My facial hair is almost all gone. It has been permanent. This treatment is very expensive, usually about $450 per treatment and I have gone about 1 - 2 times a year. this it the only thing that has helped me.

I am surprised your dermatologist has not recommended the laser hair removal to you..unless they do not offer it at that office. My dermatologist does my laser hair removal and is also the same person who does my acne treatments. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you have very light hair and light skin. Dark hair/light skin is the best candidate for laser treatment.

I hope this helps. It has helped boost my confidence so much. And I am not embarassed anymore.

Good Luck!

Why do i keep losing my hair?

I'm 18 years old and i decided to let my hair grow out long so i can donate it to locks for love. I know i'm still in puberty because everyday (as of recently) the hair on my leg has been getting sparser, and i don't even have facial hair except the fine fair on my chin. My hair has been coming out like crazy now, i usually maintain it at 2 inches max with a 1 one the sides like a buzz cuts cept longer hair on top, but now my hair is at about 5 or 6 inches now. In my tub hair is starting to clog the drain. My hair is still thick i think; my dad still has his hair at 50. My mom's brotehrs and father still have their hair. (FYI- it is a myth that you inherit your mom's hair gene). Is the reason for my recent hair falling out because it is getting longer?

Why do i keep losing my hair?

maybe your not getting the right vitamins in your diet, try some one a day vitamins,see if that helps. If really concerned go see your doctor, could be some other underlying problem.

Why do i keep losing my hair?

I think your hair is falling at the same rate it was falling when it was short, it's only that because it's longer YOU NOTICE IT and also it gets clogged in the drains easily!

Why do i keep losing my hair?

sometimes it falls out due to natural regeneration, and sometimes it falls out and never grows back. I personally know that short hair falls out less because it's less strain on the folicals.

Why do i keep losing my hair?

It might be the split ends breaking off. It could be allopetia but probably not. Go to a hair sylist and have a trim.

Why do i keep losing my hair?

Hair loss Answers:

Why do bums (especially in LA) have the same facial structure?? Red nose, bleach blonde yet graying

micro-wrinkles on the face, clothes that look like they are from the early 90s (faded jeans, no name brand shirts?

Why do bums (especially in LA) have the same facial structure?? Red nose, bleach blonde yet graying hair??

Most bums in LA, are Black. About 75% of the homeless are Black. The rest are a mix of White, Latino, Native American, Asian...etc.

They are usually the victims of mental illness or drug and alcohol abuse. They do not all look the same.

Although, being dirty, unshaved, and wearing Salvation Army clothes tends to make them look like clones.

Go to skid row and you'll see what I mean.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

no don't shave it. the same way it grows out on your legs, will grow out in your face. not pretty.

try laser hair removal, electrolysis which kind of hurts, wax, tweeze, trim, and you could use this new cream called vaniqua. it takes forever and it doesn't stop the hair, it sort of slows down the hair growth process. so you still have to use other methods to get rid of it. that would be a good in between waxing to use or something.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

Stop doing steriods

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

They make wax kits for the face. You could also try the laser hair removal.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

shave it off

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?


How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

Wax, laser, nair, plucking, and I have heard many women do shave thier face.

How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair?

Donate it to Patrick L!

What must i do to have more facial hair?

Shave twice a day...

What must i do to have more facial hair?

eat chickens with breaded hormones

What must i do to have more facial hair?

More testosterone, less estrogen.

What must i do to have more facial hair?

Use Rogaine

What must i do to have more facial hair?

Shave more often and be patient. Sometimes a little onion juice after shaving will help do the trick.

What must i do to have more facial hair?

First of all, what do you want more facial hair for? Facial hair isn't the make-or-break factor in attractiveness. But if you DO want more, shave and shave often-and rogaine does help. So does any vitamin with 2500mg of Biotin (it's a hair, skin, and nail miracle vitamin). Good luck!

What is the best wax for removing facial hair on a woman?

don't try wax, try nair, i love it. doesn't hurt and you don't need to pull the hair out. it also grows back thinner. nair makes hair removing lotions for all parts of the body and face. look for it at wal-mart.

What is the best wax for removing facial hair on a woman?

Best not to wax at all.

It's a hormonal thing.

If there's not too much of it, do you really need to do anything? Most guys are OK about women with, for example, a slight moustache.

If you do decide you have to do something, then there isn't a simple answer and there's a lot of misleading "information" around.

Facial (and also body) hair on women comes about in the same way as on men because of

1) your body being sensitized, before you were even born, to testosterone -- doesn't happen to all girls, but does to many

2) your body producing high levels of testosterone

The growth rate and coarseness of the hair depends on just how much testosterone is circulating in your bloodstream.

Steer clear of bleaching -- when someone sees you against the light you'll look as if you have a glowing moustache and/or beard.

As far as removing it is concerned it's worth remembering that

* Waxing, plucking, threading, epilating all pull the hair out by the roots and where the growth is hormonally-driven can actually stimulate a dormant follicle into producing more hair quicker. They also distort the root if done repeatedly, leading to hair growing at strange angles. And you've got to let the hair grow to quite a length before you can repeat the exercise. It can also damage the skin and discolor it. Long-term use of waxing also causes bad wrinkles.

* Chemical depilatories strong enough to remove the hair are very likely to burn the skin, cause swelling and cause long-term discoloration of the skin.

* Laser is also liable to cause burning and discoloration and in any case only works effectively on a dark hair/light skin combinantion.

* Electrolysis is very liable to cause scarring and discoloration of the skin.

Which, like it or not, leaves shaving which does not damage the skin. Best done with a men's-style electric razor, the best of which, for women, are probably those from the men's range of Norelco/Philips razors (Philishave outside the US). Most women who try a men's Norelco wonder why nobody ever told them about it before.

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

I still love her, even if she does have a tache...

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Is it as magnificent as my facial beast old boy? Tip top.

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Because facial hair is very manly, we know we have it but don't like it pointed out to us.

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Because we're ladies, we're not meant to facial hair

(but do anyway!). You wouldn't want a bearded lady for a girlfriend would you?

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Because its like kissing a barbours floor

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

No girl wants to look like a man!

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

commercial "beauty" states that facial hair is uglay and makes you look like a man. unfortunatly, most women believe everything they hear/see, so they totally believe it and become self consious

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

B/C we live in a world that wants perfection...the perfect 10...and sadly some do not see facial hair (or hair anywhere but on a womans head) as being attractive...well I say to hell w/ that b/c I think side burns on females and sometimes mustaches are some cultures the women have facial hair and I think they are just as beautiful as any other woman who has tortured herself to be dig me

ALSO we were born w/ hair in some places for a reason...I have light sideburns (not like elvis' and will never get rid of them)...the day women accept themselves and demand others to as well there won't be soo much debate about it...such a superficial mindset...

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Because its the men who are supposed to have facial hair not us girlies

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Mmmmmm, hairy lips!

Ooops sorry u meant the ones on the face!

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

There is no call for Bearded Ladies anymoreThose were the days of freak shows,Women are more dignified now,

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

It's embarrassing that's why. Woman are suppose to be the perfect pretty girl and when we have facial hair you don't feel like a woman. I have PCOS so I have this problem. There are medications out there for unwanted hair growth (which I take). Of course there's always laser hair removal...kind of pricey though. Your a great guy for still loving her. It's whats on the inside that counts. My boyfriend loves me as well =)

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Women! you never know what the right answer is with them.

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

its how people perceive facial hair on women, if u one of your co=workers is a women and has a tache she is the talk of the office, its mean i know but its the society we live in.

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Aw how sweet...well, heres a bit of psychology for you. In the cognitive approach we have schemas, mental representations of the world around us, including how we think men and women should look. Women aren't thought of to have facial hair, and as we all at leas subconsciously want to fit in we try to fit this schema. Learn something new every day =P

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

I know exactly what you mean! Unfortunately they see it as making them look bad/ugly/manish and consequently spend small fortunes waxing plucking and shaving it. As you are aware all that attention just tends to make it coarser and often darker when it regrows. While many of us guys don't particularly like it, the attention the girls pay to it makes us more aware of the little they have.

GIRLS stop it. BE as God made YOU! True beauty is within anyway and though we may be initially attracted by glamour WE soon fall in LOVE with the PERSON, NOT their SKIN!

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Because only men should have a tash...

I love seeing old women with beards and dread that one day it will be me...

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

Cause... DUDE Come On?

We can get picked on for these things?

Also its manly "eww"

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

well its the same reason men are so worried about the size of their c*cks.

Why are women so sensitive about their facial hair?

It's seen as masculine to have facial hair, if someone tells you that you have a moustache then it makes you feel like a man and ugly. What woul you say if someone told you that you had man boobs?

Facial Waxing Help?

Hey guys, i have facial hair on my upper lip, its sooo anyoying i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know if they sell facial waxing strips at walmart? which ones work best? And how long does it last, cause im only 12 and i dont want to tell my mom that im buying them, so i will buy them every year around xmas cuz she lets me shop by my self at xmas so she wont see me buying them, so how long do they last?

Facial Waxing Help?

If its your first time it's probably best to go to a salon and have them do it for you. it shouldnt cost more than 5 or ten dollars. I've never had it but i've watched my friend go through it and i'm warning you it doesn't exactly tickle. It should probably last about 3 weeks. Bleaching is another option thats painless.

What must i do to have more facial hair?

Shave twice a day...

What must i do to have more facial hair?

eat chickens with breaded hormones

What must i do to have more facial hair?

More testosterone, less estrogen.

What must i do to have more facial hair?

Use Rogaine

What must i do to have more facial hair?

Shave more often and be patient. Sometimes a little onion juice after shaving will help do the trick.

What must i do to have more facial hair?

First of all, what do you want more facial hair for? Facial hair isn't the make-or-break factor in attractiveness. But if you DO want more, shave and shave often-and rogaine does help. So does any vitamin with 2500mg of Biotin (it's a hair, skin, and nail miracle vitamin). Good luck!

Why do bums (especially in LA) have the same facial structure?? Red nose, bleach blonde yet graying

micro-wrinkles on the face, clothes that look like they are from the early 90s (faded jeans, no name brand shirts?

Why do bums (especially in LA) have the same facial structure?? Red nose, bleach blonde yet graying hair??

Most bums in LA, are Black. About 75% of the homeless are Black. The rest are a mix of White, Latino, Native American, Asian...etc.

They are usually the victims of mental illness or drug and alcohol abuse. They do not all look the same.

Although, being dirty, unshaved, and wearing Salvation Army clothes tends to make them look like clones.

Go to skid row and you'll see what I mean.

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

Hmm... I guess a short neck is worse than facial hair... you can make a fashion statement from facial hair.. but a short neck... hmmm...

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

a short neck because alot of people have facial hair

i would rather look like a peach than a

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

short neck you can always get rid of unwanted hair

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

a short neck? what? well, I assume you're speaking of a woman? I like facial hair on men. so..I guess a short neck for men, facial hair for women??

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

yea, short neck.

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

A short neck. Facial hair can be easily removed. How do you elongate a short neck?

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

facial hair can be removed - so short neck!!

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

facial hair ( is not nice if you are girl and need to shave ), does short neck look bad??? I never notice that on the people

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

Hair can be removed, a neck cannot be extended. So a short neck is worse.

Which is worse: A short neck OR facial hair?

A short neck. At least you can get rid of facial hair. What on earth can you do to a short neck?

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

Is hair on the scrotal sac (ball sac) and outside of the shaft normal for a guy or do I have some condition where I excessively grow hair in weird places, because I have trouble growing facial hair..My facial hair looks like pubic hair that is not concentrated while other people have normal looking beards.

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

most have some hair there....and actually, pubic hair for a lot of people grows in different shapes, areas, thicknesses, etc.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

yea thats normal. and your beard should fill out overtime. everyones different.

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

ever heard the phrase "he just got the first hair on his balls the other day"

its normal yo

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

dont worry about it. its normal

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

Of course that's normal unless you're 8 years old...

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

its normal and ur beard will come out good just give it some time

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

Ya its normal.Remember,everyone is different and unique according to their genes.

Is pubic hair on the scrotal sac and outside of the penis shaft normal?

yes we all have harry balls and *****

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

ive never really like my facial hair as it grows back quite quick and i prefer my face to look clear with no hair on it as ive always had the impression its ugly and puts women off, but what do you think (mainly girls) of facial hair.. x

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i personally like a cleaned shave man.. witha goat tee.. and mustach.. thats it.. noththing else... i find a man with that and it turns me on...

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

it really depends on the guy. some guys look better with it and others without it.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

moustaches are all the rage these days

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

I like smooth skin. clean shaved is the way to go. but it isn't unnatractive.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

Designer stubble.....may be cute to some girls!

Unbridled hair growth....a definite turn off to many!!

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i like facial hair...i think its alright!!

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i like it, beards are good (not big long old man ones with bits of food in them) but nice ones,,, and stubble is yum.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

Depends on who's wearing it........

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

Some girls like it, some don't. I personalty do not find it attractive because it just seems dirty to me. My brother has facial hair and without facial hair, he looks ugly.. so some guys it matches. Try waxing it. the hair will grow back a month later.. but it's painful cause your facial hair is already thick. Why don't you ask some of your female friends.. they'll tell you the truth.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i think stubble and a small amount of facial hair on a man is attractive.. it gives the guy an older look which is what some females go for.. although saying that.. stubble/facial hair only suits some men.. but i think go with what you feel.. or try it out.. let some hair grow on your face.. give yourself a sort of rugged look - leave it and see the reaction from women..

. [x] .

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

it really depends on the guy!!!!!!

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

I personally love a little scruff , even a goatee if its maintained . I dont like the pretty boy look though .A lot of women do.......what do you like ? What ever you like, do it. If someone is gonna like you they will no matter what!

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

Depends on the guy...for the most part, I am attracted to guys with goatees.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

I think on a day to day basis that a clean shaven man is very attractive.

I find it quite seductive when a man occasionally remains unshaven on the weekend for example. It's his way of "relaxing" from the day to day routine.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

It's fine but I don't like my face to be scratched to bits. Say no more.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i think it depends, as on some guys it can look ok, but on others it can look really dirty for some reason, some can wear it and others can't. Best not have it at all.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

In terms of facial hair on a guy it really depends on the guy. I always found myself attracted to clean shaven men and men with stubble. Some women find stubble attractive because it is rugged and sexy. There is something really endearing about a man's stubble rubbing againest my face when we are about to kiss. However, I do not find breads attractive on men. I don't like a face obsurced by a bunch of hair, I'd rather see the guys face. Just my thoughts if you have a bread make sure it fits your appearence and style too. If you do decide to grow a bread be mindful to keep up on your grooming and after eating make sure there are no peices of food stuck in it (this seriously happened to me once!). Hope this helps.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i think stubble on my man is way sexy, but thats just me.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

I don't like stubble.. it HURTS when I kiss my guy. My face gets all scratched up. I like either when he's clean shaven, or when he has a short beard... not in between.

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

some guys look good with hair on there face and some don't if i dont shave everyday then my friends tell me i look bad and no girl would want me if i dont keep a clean looking face

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i like 4 my man 2b shaved bcuz i like 2 cuddle %26amp; cuddling w/ a man who has stubby hairs under his chin isn't very flattering

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

It depends, on two things.

1. The girl. She may not like guys with facial hair, she might find it a turn on!

2. The guy. He might look really sexy with facial hair, he may look kinda naff and it doesnt suit him =]

Not very useful, I know, but it's true! =P

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

a bit of facial hair is sexy..but excessive hair is not

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

Personally I only go for clean shaven men I don't do shaving rashes not for anyone!!

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

it can look okay, but yes it's sore on us girls faces, have you tried wet shaving, it gives a smoother finish, but some chaps need to shave twice a day

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

no it does not make you look ugly. So don't let that lower your self esteem. But every girl has diffrent taste so don't let it bother you

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

It's nice to look at but an absolute pain when you are kissing. It gives me all sorts of nasty facial rashes!! I would prefer a nice squeaky clean baldy faced guy!!!

Do girls find stubble and facial attractive, sexy or damm ugly ?

i think its very sexy!!!! :)

Anyone know how to stimulate men's facial hair growth (besides the alleged application of rogai

Sorry shaving your face WILL NOT make hair grow back thicker. Does cutting hair make hair thicker? No, then why would shaving? What it does do is blunt the ends of your hair so it temporarily looks thicker, but eventually the hair weakens and becomes pointed on the ends. Sorry there really isn't anyway to make facial hair grow other than hormones.

Anyone know how to stimulate men's facial hair growth (besides the alleged application of rogaine to face)?


Anyone know how to stimulate men's facial hair growth (besides the alleged application of rogaine to face)?

You can shave frequently. It will grow faster eventually. But, it will also become more thick as well.

Anyone know how to stimulate men's facial hair growth (besides the alleged application of rogaine to face)?

Rub face with brandy.

Anyone know how to stimulate men's facial hair growth (besides the alleged application of rogaine to face)?

Sorry shaving your face WILL NOT make hair grow back thicker.

Anyone know how to stimulate men's facial hair growth (besides the alleged application of rogaine to face)?

Growing hair on your face is stimulated by shaving. Shaving more will stimulate the growth treatment of the roots and follicles. First thing, if want to stimulate the hair growth faster use a razor. Be sure to use an aloe based product while shaving to alleviate the burning sensation you may get with non-aloe based products. When you are done shaving use and after shave balm that does not contain alcohol, or it will dry out your face and the pores will become blocked.

My question is why would want more facial hair? There nothing more of a pain than shaving every 8-10 hours. I started shaving early in my life and now I am cursed for life! However, A nice 5-7 o'clock shadow is sexy....

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

Just wondering.

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

it really depends on the individual

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

In most cases it starts growing back with in a few hours of shaving.

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

For me it's about 10 minutes before I have the "five o'clock shadow".

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

less than a day

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

if shaved in the morning by the next day you already have stubble's

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

1-2 days

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

1 day

How long does it last before your facial hair to grow back after shaving it?

It depends on your testosterone levels. For the typical adult male, 1-2 days; for the typical adult female, 2-4 weeks. But there are males for whom the answer would be 2-4 weeks and plenty of females for whom the answer is 8-16 hours.

Hair or no hair?

I used to always shave my head, and have been growing it out for a few months, but am starting to find taking care of it to be a hassle (drying time, combing, gel, etc.). However, I have gotten some (though not all) positive comments about it. So, now I come seeking more opinions; which looks better;

Hair ->


no hair->

Also, what about the facial hair? Which combo of hair and facial hair do you think would look best?

Hair or no hair?

i like no hair

facial hair is okay on someone else, but i hate it on my man cuz it's scratchy.

Hair or no hair?

i think that no hair with a little facial hair would be good. not too much facial hair though, that makes you look bad.

Hair or no hair?

i usually prefer guys with hair, but you look better with no hair.

Hair or no hair?

HULIO GO BACK TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair or no hair?

its depend on ur look

Hair or no hair?

How about hair on your head and no facial hair.

Hair or no hair?

My Dad was bald, didn't have to shave it. He said God made some heads perfect, the rest he covered with hair.

I know I can't get away with shaving my head but I do believe you can. Facial hair, toss a coin, if either side wins, I think it would be with the hair. That may come from jealousy though, I grow a VERY sad beard.

Hair or no hair?

WOAH!! no hair or facial hair. you look like two different people in the pictures. you look older in the hair picture, and younger and cleaner in the no hair picture.

Hair or no hair?

I think you would look great with spikes on your head and no facial hair.

Hair or no hair?

You definitely look better with no hair or facial hair. No facial hair makes you look younger and cleaner, it makes your skin look really soft. Hope this helps and good luck deciding =)

What is the best facial wax?

I wanted to know what you guys think is a good wax for facial hair that is short...i cant wait for my hair to grow cuz that wud take more days and i have to be out everyday (college) im wondering what wax would be good for short facial hair or if theres any other method you would suggest. THANx alot. BTW, i have very sensitive skin and ive tried almost everything else (i cant afford laser right now =/)

What is the best facial wax?

try Nads..... I know what it sounds like but it isnt THAT

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

Usually when you wax hair or facial hair. It's the same or it can get thinner. But waxing peach fuzz? That's a whole different story because peach fuzz is soo short, light and it's not even as thick as a thin facial hair! The what?

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

No. When you was off hair it takes the root with it. not only does it take longer to grow back but it doesn't grow back thicker or darker due to that.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

probly not. idk.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

no. its physically imposible. but it grow back at an angle and look a little darker

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

not unless your hair is getting thicker and darker anyway...such as going through puberty. But waxing or shaving in itself does not make hair darker.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

Ok i know a couple of people who did this...and the hair does grow back darker..or at least it "seems" to look darker and thicker.

if you have dark color facial hair then i would tell you to just use Jolen skin bleach creme for the peach fuzz ( which is around the cheek area or chin area) rather then to wax it off. Trust me i know some really pretty girls who made the mistake of waxing or threading it off and it just looked worse.

of course if its upper lips then you should def wax it off or something. But when you looked at peach fuzz in areas other areas of the face then you shouldnt take it off and instead use bleach creme.

When you wax facial peach fuzz, will it grow back darker abit?

For the people saying oh nothing is going to happen,well your wrong!

I agree with Browneyes! Once you remove hair like peach tends to grow out Looking thicker and darker.

Hair issue!?

Can i find medications that reduces hair in areas like legs, face etc.. i have facial hair growin on my face, thank god it very fien and light, but still i have facial hair everywhere, and its getting worse, has any1 tried any kind of meds that gets rids of facial hair in the body? thks guys!! i appreciate ur time

Hair issue!?

U need to ask the doctor about this, i heard about lots of medications that u cna use to reduce hair growth..... but u need to see the doctor about this issue~~

Hair issue!?

The only thing I can think of is electrolysis and waxing. Also birth control pills help with regulating hormones and therefore extra hair growth.

Hair issue!?

Facial hair growth is only on the face -- so therefore, it wouldn't be on your legs. The only thing I can really think of is waxing. Shaving only makes your hair grow back ticker and darker making it more noticable. You could try bleaching the hairs on your face if you don't feel waxing is the answer?

Hair issue!?

Vaniqua is available w/ a prescription. It is a cream that you would apply after waxing. It slows down the growth of facial hair therefore reducing the amount of time necessary for waxing. I am using it and it has helped.

Hair issue!?

I've seen photos of a nude young lady on a foggy day.

Droplets formed on her fine body hair to produce an amazing image. Sparkles and rainbows.

See your beautician about your facial hair.

What are some home remedies to remove facial hair?

Try waxing your hair. Don't buy stuff from the corner store. You should get stuff from a beauty supply place and ask for microwaveable wax. Please ask for instructions. Hold skin tight and pull away from hair growth. You may need a helper. I would recomend to try it on one small spot on your face and see what happend for a couple of days. Some people will break out with small pimples and some don't. If all goes well when you're done make sure you use a loofa sponge to exfoliate the dead cells off. This step is very important Do it everyday when you wash your face. The hair will grow back but it will grow finer and you'll be hair free for about 2 months

What are some home remedies to remove facial hair?


What are some home remedies to remove facial hair?

Turmeric powder

What are some home remedies to remove facial hair?

waxing is the best. (hot wax) learn it and do it urself at home takes ten min for face waxing

Hair issue!?

Can i find medications that reduces hair in areas like legs, face etc.. i have facial hair growin on my face, thank god it very fien and light, but still i have facial hair everywhere, and its getting worse, has any1 tried any kind of meds that gets rids of facial hair in the body? thks guys!! i appreciate ur time

Hair issue!?

U need to ask the doctor about this, i heard about lots of medications that u cna use to reduce hair growth..... but u need to see the doctor about this issue~~

Hair issue!?

The only thing I can think of is electrolysis and waxing. Also birth control pills help with regulating hormones and therefore extra hair growth.

Hair issue!?

Facial hair growth is only on the face -- so therefore, it wouldn't be on your legs. The only thing I can really think of is waxing. Shaving only makes your hair grow back ticker and darker making it more noticable. You could try bleaching the hairs on your face if you don't feel waxing is the answer?

Hair issue!?

Vaniqua is available w/ a prescription. It is a cream that you would apply after waxing. It slows down the growth of facial hair therefore reducing the amount of time necessary for waxing. I am using it and it has helped.

Hair issue!?

I've seen photos of a nude young lady on a foggy day.

Droplets formed on her fine body hair to produce an amazing image. Sparkles and rainbows.

See your beautician about your facial hair.

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a

I have some very shocking news for you.

You are actually going to start shrinking.

I'm sorry for your loss.


I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

six foot seven.

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

about 6 foot one inch

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

How the ***** should we know?

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

lmao, i have a piece of string how long is it? Please think before asking a question

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

tall as the tallest monkey

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

uh what has your height got to do wid armpit hair??

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

That's an impossible question to answer.

If you had a bone scan showing your current degree of bone density, a physician could give you a reasonable estimate, but there's no way of knowing precisely.

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

That's basically impossible to tell.

My friend just turned 15 [but when i first met him, he was 13] and he looked/still looks like he's 25. He has facial hair and tons of underarm hair. We call him MANCHILD. hahah.

His younger brother is the same. He's 12 but he looks like he's 18. He's the same way.

Sorry, though. I wish I had a pin point answer!

I am 13 year old boy , 156cm.i have some facial hair and armpit tall will i be when i am a adult?

Like 6ft0-6ft3

I have a brown asian skin, I plan to have a facial hair removal by laser, which type of laser is bes

FYI, I have some grey hairs around my beard.

I have a brown asian skin, I plan to have a facial hair removal by laser, which type of laser is best suited ?

darker skin is prone 2 scaring during lazer treatment so go to a reputable clinic, they will advise you of the treatment you require and as far as i know there is only 1 kind of lazer for hair removal treatment

I have a brown asian skin, I plan to have a facial hair removal by laser, which type of laser is best suited ?

YAG.....really good

Why do men have nipples and dense facial hair, while women dont? any scientific evolutionary evidenc

Nipples on men are like appendixes (appendices). Probably just some evolutionary trash that hasn't gotten lost. Developmentally, the little proto-nipples form before the fetus boys and fetus girls have differentiated at all anyway.

Maybe when women started to not go outside of the cave as much, they needed facial hair less. Maybe men found women's faces sexually stimulating, hence encouraging the evolution of smooth-faced women.

Why do men have nipples and dense facial hair, while women dont? any scientific evolutionary evidence!?

Well, there are two distinct questions.

We are sexually dimorphic animals, thus, of course, there are some differences between our sexes. Sexual differentiation starts during mother's pregnancy, and become evident in puberty, when levels of sexual hormones are rising.

Generally, evolutionary explanation for sexual dimorphism is very simple - sexual selection. There are innumerable studies about this interesting topic. When sexual partner is anyhow choiced, there is a scene for sexual selection.

Men nipples are another exciting story. In fact, they are deluxe living proof of evolution. Men and women have nearly same genetic program and both sexes have instructions for making nipples. Men nipples are useless but not dangerous or biologically expensive. Therefore, there is no heavy evolutionary pressure to remove them. It is only defect of evolution, with no deep reasons. But this is the very point. Evolution is blind and patchs together living organisms.

Why do men have nipples and dense facial hair, while women dont? any scientific evolutionary evidence!?

Well, both are evidence of a feature controlled by the Y chromosome. In the case of nipples, this indicates a feature (breasts) that is present in the genes of males and females, but suppressed during adolescence by the presence of the Y chromosome. And in the case of facial hair, this is something triggered by the Y chromosome during adolescence.

In the case of nipples on men, this is further evidence that embryos go through a phase where gender is not yet determined. All mammal embryos (male and female) get nipples during this early stage, and it is only later in development (adolescence) that these are differentiated.

Another way to look at it is that both of these features provide some evidence against intelligent design (or deliberate creation). Any time there is some feature without a function, this poses a problem for intelligent design. This is stronger in the case of nipples on men ... as an intelligent design of males would have left these features off, as they do not help in the design of function of being male, or being human. This is less clear for facial hair, as one could postulate a function for facial hair (and other secondary sexual characteristics) that is consistent with the design of function of being male ... namely as a signal in adolescence of sexual maturity. But facial hair still poses a problem because it is evident that these have no other function besides signalling ... as females and children are able to survive quite well without facial hair. And the fact that men can shave off facial hair without loss of being recognizable as sexually mature males, shows that the signalling function is minimal if any. So facial hair really has no significant function at all ... it is better explained as a side-effect of other functions in the Y-chromosome that *do* have function.