So ladies do you like guys with body hair? If so how much body hair? Girls at my high school said that guys with no body hair at all look kinda "gay". I also hear girls saying that "real men have hair", I know many girls don't like too much hair.
Also ladies do you like guys who can grow some facial hair? I hear that girls like guys who look manly and mature.
And do you find guys with no hair at all gross? How would you feel if you dated a guy who has less body hair than you?
I personally think guys who shave off all of their body hairs weekly are gross, unless its too long. I mean a smooth guy, bleh, if I was a girl.
Thanks for reading.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
tricky question, like hair on men, but some guys not all that shave their heads are sexy, others should not shave their heads, love all other type of hair on a man, as long as it's clean........
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
i think its gross
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
I didnt used to like hair but not i love it!
I hate facial hair, it never looks good on anyone.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
i like a little body hair all that hairy **** is scary
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
i hate back hair!!!!!! and facial hair is not fun to kiss so yeah
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
i don't like it.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
I think as long as his hygiene is good, there really shouldn't be a problem. Although, I am partial to baldies :D...but I do like chest hair.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
i dont like a lot of body hair but a little i can deal with
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
You know I have never bothered me for a guy to have body hair.
Of course if you have a forest of hair all over you a girl is going to be turned off.
I for one don't mind if a guy is completely smooth either.
You can rub on my soft silky legs but I can't yours?
It boils down to if you are comfortable with your body hair, then I will be fine with it too.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
My ladies like hair, so I let it grow. I am always in favor of nature and against society. They just try to make you spend money on crap.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
facial hair/back hair/butt hair-no
head hair/arm hair/leg hair/ armpit hair-yes
the rest id prefer none, but i wouldnt care if you had some hair there
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
i dont mind body hair unless it is extreme. i also think that the facial hair thing depends on how old u r and ur style. but i dont really like it that much.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
Hmm, well, if they have absolutely NO hair at all, that is kinda gross. But I do like my guy to shave every now and again.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
I hair is gross. I don't want a man that shaves more of his body than i do. I like my men to trim their hair though...armpit hair that is so long that it pokes out of short-sleeve shirts makes me wanna puke. Same with nipple hair. And of course the nether regions...keep it clean.
Anyway, arm hair and leg hair is a must. Guys that shave those are either swimmers, or gay.
Facial hair is hot if you can grow it. But if it's fine and HUGE turn-off.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
Ok I think that a little chest hair and stuff like that is ok not to much. but I also think well shaved men look realy good but a little gotei realy turns me on.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
It ALL depends on the guy.
When I was younger I thought body hair was gross, now it's not so bad. Except when it's EVERYWHERE.
The facial hair thing doesn't really matter. Some guys look really hot when they're scruffy. But guys that just don't really grow it can be hot too.
Like I said before, it all depends on the guy.
I'm not at all impressed by completely shaved men, unless it's for their sport, like a swimmer or something.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
I am a "smooth girl" as you might say. Too hairy is extremely unnatractive, and not hairy enough would make me curious of their sexuality.
Facial hair- feels nasty against the skin. A nice stubble is enough (only beard stubble, no mustach) and keep inbetween your eyebrows clean (otherwise you look like you have a unibrow)
Body Hair- Back hair, and chest hair should be removed. Men look "sexier" persay without hair in those areas. Leg hair, arm hair, and head hair are all fine- if your leg and arm hair is extremely dark you may want to consider bleaching it though. Armpit hair should be trimmed (I find it extremely unnatractive, but do not clean shave there)
Hair "down there"- I reccomend keeping it the way you like it. If your girlfriend has a preference you might want to take that into consideration though.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much? me hair IS manly
But not toooooooo much - like gorilla man!!!
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
Body hair can be hot. I mean, not so thick and dark you could mistake the guy for a bear, but I like it. I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of. Some guys just look better with facial hair. For as long as I've known my boyfriend (6 years, 5 of them together) I've never seen him with at least a goatee, if not a fuller beard on his chin, so I asked him about it and he said he had too weak a chin not to have one and he shaved it to show me. He was right. We laughed about it and now I'll never wonder why he keeps one again. Overall I think body and facial hair is sexy, as long as it's kept neat and trimmed.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
We-e-e-el doggie! I likes my man t'have 'is chest nice n' smooth like a fresh coat a paint on the barn door. Oh , 'casionaly a hair bristle or two might break free off the paintin' brush now 'n then , but dat's t'be s'pected. Know what I mean? Then jest a fine and nice hair line from 'bout the belly-but'n area on down yonder . MMM- mmm!
Then sometimes ya just has t' turn 'im 'round , see'n if his back needs shavin'!
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
I don't like hair on a men. just like men don't like hair on women.
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
facial hair is hott
not to much thou
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
no hair on face,butt,chest or another area if you get my point
legs are fine
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
As long as the hygiene is clean and neat it's fine. I don't like guys having some facial hair it looks gross. To look manly and mature guys should have fine and fix hair. To date a guy who has less body hair than me is fine if is natural but if he shave it...ewew!!! I agree that guys who shave off all their body hairs weekly are gross for only girls should be conscious in having smooth skin;-%26gt;
Ladies, hair or no hair? Or how much?
no hair
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