Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

Excuse the title. I know how it sounds. lol.

Anyway, my cousin is freaking out about her body hairs. She has dark, fine hair on her belly, thighs, hips, finer, yet somewhat obvious hairs on her butt, coarser ones between her buttcheeks and some facial hairs. Her dark, uneven skin tone doesn't make it any better.

They're kind of noticable, if you just happen to notice them, and she's really getting bummed about it, thinking that others may find her nasty if they ever noticed it. She's somewhat chubby and not the prettiest girl in the world, but she has the most amazing personality ever. Oh, and she's 12.

She doesn't know what to do about them and how to get rid of them, and it's killing her self-esteem. I really want to help her.

Do you guys know anything that might help her?

Btw, don't ask em how I know where she has the hairs. She asked me to postthis up on Answers. e_e

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

She might want to see a doctor she could have a hormonal embalance problem that is causing the excess hair on her body.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

I don't. I did it once when I was her age and it chafed so bad afterwards. I was told after that that your supposed to have hair between the cheeks.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

The only way you can get rid of hair is to shave or wax or get electolosis.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

well after seeing a doctor to make sure nothing is a miss...i say go get waxed

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

i don`t know, i get rid of all the hair i have any where (except on my head lol!!!) EVEN my buttcrack!!! so, whatever...she could shave it, but she has to be really careful for obvious reasons, that`s a tricky place to shave...

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

Honestly, she's 12. She shouldn't be worried about anyone seeing body hair on her bum. The only suggestion i have is to shave or wax.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

hmm...def wax or electrolosis.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

I have heard of this soap=wherever you wash yourself with it, it removes the hair there. I really want it toooo!! But I don't know what it is called or where they sell it. But she should just try to go to the doctor because she can have a hormone imbalance. I have a cousin exactly like yours, except she is not just chubby, but really really chunky.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

Hmm. That is a tough one. It is hard to say someone shouldn't see her naked since she is 12, but if you have girlfriends, then you undress in front of each other and it could be embarrassing even if it isn't as bad as you think. She could have high testosterone levels and that could be making her hair grow in those certain places, but getting a tan should make the hair look less dark and they make hair bleach for the body, people use it on their lips and stomach, the safest way to get rid of hair on your bottom would probably to get it waxed, it will stay gone longer. Have a professional do it though, being 12 - I wouldn't ever try that yourself. Professionals see people without their clothes on doing that stuff every day, so it is nothing to be embarrassed of, but to keep it from chaffing and becoming raw or uncomforable, use vasoline right after it is done. In Wal-Mart you can buy that hair removal lotion(Nair), but to warn you, it smells really bad, and it will make your skin stink after wards too, but you could have an allergic reaction too.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

It's perfectly normal for both girls and guys to have hair in their "butt-crack" 閳?the area around the anus and between the cheeks of the buttocks. In fact, most people have hair in this area. When girls go through puberty pubic hair grows around their genitals 閳?over the pubic bone and around the vulva and anus.

Whether a woman chooses to shave, trim, or remove pubic hair is ultimately a personal choice. In no way do women have to shave (or remove) their pubic hair. Shaving in such sensitive areas can lead to razor burn and ingrown hairs. Trimming pubic hair with a scissors or using an electric razor will reduce the risk of painful itching and bleeding that may result from shaving.

However, some women choose to shave or use other methods (such as waxing) to remove pubic hair for cosmetic reasons. If a woman chooses to shave (or remove) her pubic hair, the amount that is removed is up to her.

Whether or not hair is a turnoff for a guy 閳?or a girl 閳?is strictly a matter of personal preference. Some people are turned on by body hair. Some are turned off by it. But for most people, body hair is not the deciding factor in what is and what is not sexy.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

I think a product like Nair might be a good way to go. That way you don't risk nicking yourself shaving in places where you can't see....

Also, shaving can cause razor burn. It really gets itchy. If she already suffers from low self esteem, then constantly scratching "down there" won't help the girl one bit.

She also needs to decide what will be worse. The hair on her butt that no one sees, or mom freaking out when she sees her 12 year old daughter with a brizilian.

Girls, if you have hair in your buttcrack, what do you do to get rid of it?

Wax Hair Remover is expensive, it hurts and your hair would turn black, and dont shave the hair too. You know,....I got tiny red bumps after shaving. I sincerely recommend you to try manual facial hair remover for face, or body hair remover sponge, that's easy and cheap, have a look here at


click the pictures and see the real effect pictures after using the removers. Her email is kakahealthcare@yahoo.com.hk, a nice and responsible seller, try to ask her and she would definately give you an attractive price!

The products she sell is really cheap and useful. By the way, she accepts paypal or cash in mail ^^

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