I dont like wasting anything that comes from my body..it can always be used for the greater good.
What should I do with my excess facial hair?
Put it in your garden to deter rabbits and deer. They do not like the scent of humans so hair has been a natural deterent for years. Another deterent is to pee around your garden.
You could also "accidentally" drop some in your family's food so they won't eat it and you can have it all.
What should I do with my excess facial hair?
Try finding a hippie, they might be able to weave it into a rug or something.
What should I do with my excess facial hair?
You could paste it on a picture of yourself. Make like a nice 3D effect for a scrapbook or something. LOL.
What should I do with my excess facial hair?
grow it out long enough then donate it to locks of love. they make real wigs for cancer patients. i've done it before! they love donations!
What should I do with my excess facial hair?
What should I do with my excess facial hair?
ummm... ewwww.
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