Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

anyone every heard of anything like this? and so far everywhere ive checked essiac tea should not do this so what could this mean

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

if you are on the level, then I suggest that you stop using the tea and go back to normal tea. This tea seems to be loaded with hormones that you don't need. You obviously have an alergy to it.

good luck

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

it means you should probably stop using essiac tea.

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

Just don't use the tea and you'll be ok... it could be a reaction to something in the tea! Good luck!

Whenever i use essiac tea my hair starts to fall out and i get facial hair?

One is presuming that you are female if you are concerned about facial hair. Sounds like a hormone imbalance but it could also be that you have a thyroid problem. Dry brittle hair is often indicative of an underactive thyroid or Hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine which is a synthetic Thyroxine does not contain all the types of thyroxine produced naturally and sufferers often have to supplement their diets to boost the natural production of the hormone. Evening primrose oil can help. Been there got the T shirt thyroid went bye byes years ago.

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