Monday, July 27, 2009

Whats the best electric shaver for facial hair?

None...nothing beats a razor!

Whats the best electric shaver for facial hair?

i dunno i dont shave my face....but my bf uses BrAun.

Whats the best electric shaver for facial hair?

this is an amazing question as i have used many electric shavers and they all sucked. nothing beats the closeness and smootheness of an old fashioned razor. but if you find a good one let me know...the norelco self cleaning one is the best ive used out of all the crappy ones fyi.

Whats the best electric shaver for facial hair?

Gillette Mach 3 turbo power. I know its still a razor, but it is battery powered.....

Whats the best electric shaver for facial hair?

Norelco SmartTouch 9160XL

Whats the best electric shaver for facial hair?


If you are writing this because you are a man of color and you get razor bumps unless you use a razor, I suggest that you use a depilatory cream. That way the new hair follicle grows in such a way to reduce the production of further razor bumps. Otherwise, all electronic razors are pretty much the same. However, quality depends on the price range.

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